My Quick Sunday Beauty Routine

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Sunday is probably my most favorite day of the week. Apart from the fact that I usually have to catch up on work around my home, I usually find the time to invest into a more elaborate beauty routine. However, sometimes life gets in the way and my Sunday is a little less relaxing than intended. Considering that it is essential for my mental well-being to have some "me-time", regardless of how short it may be, on my busier Sundays I opt for a downsized beauty routine. This enables me to start my week of right, and reserves at least some of my self-care ritual. Today I thought I'd share with you a few of the things I make a point of including almost every Sunday in my beauty routine.

Nail Maintenance 
I don't always paint my nails, however when I do have the time, it's always on a Sunday. I used to own so many different colors of nail polish, but quickly realized that I would usually gravitate to the red shades. For that reason, I threw out pretty-much every other shade in my collection apart from a few of my favorite reds. If I'm doing a quick Sunday beauty routine, I always make sure to paint my nails since it is one of the simplest steps in helping me feel put-together all week long.

Skin Care
For skin care, I always use some sort of face mask on Sundays. I'm one of those "out of sight out of mind" people, and so I always mark it in my planner that I need to do a face-mask every Sunday or else I will forget for weeks on end. This week I chose to use this face mask, as I find my skin more oily as the temperature outside warms up.

Since it is not quite summer yet, I have currently also been using this Chanel face cream at night instead of the Vichy one that I used to use, simply due to the fact that it provides me with deeper hydration. 

Brow Care

I get my eyebrows threaded every 3 months, and so in between I schedule to tweeze whatever may be growing out of line. Since everyone appears obsessed with perfect brows these days, including brow care in your routine will enable you to keep up with this trend, all the while providing symmetry to your face.


There's nothing worse than getting into the shower and realizing that you are out of a certain product! For this reason, I made it a habit to check my beauty supplies weekly and make a list of what I may need to purchase this upcoming week.


I thoroughly clean my glasses every Sunday, whiten my teeth as maintenance, deeply moisturize my hands and feet, and clean my most frequently worn jewelry. I featured the Shick Intuition in the photo above since it is seriously the best razor I have ever used, and I would never had discovered it unless someone passed along the message like I am now! It is also important to note that the choice to teeth whitener that you use is very important! Not all whiteners are regulated and can do some serious damage to your teeth. A recommended list of the best teeth whiteners can be found here

What does your Sunday/weekend beauty routine look like?

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